While December continued to be kind of a down month (a lot of travel and a small cold (as a result of said travel)) overall, it wasn't nearly as bad as past Decembers tend to be. I really wanted to try to rewrite my standard December script and I think I was mostly successful. Read on ...
Swimming: 10099.85m (6.28 mi)
Cycling: 93.71 mi
Running: 41.91 mi
Lifting: 31 sessions (5:33)
Other: one session elliptical (:10), one session erg/rowing machine (:15), one sessions snorkeling (:45), one "aquabike" class (:30), one game beach volleyball (1:00)
I successfully managed to hit my late-year sub-goal of swimming at least 10K every month this year by swimming the last two days of the month. That was way closer than I would have liked, but eh.
The bike ... that was a bit disappointing. I did have some issues - a flat, learning I need a new crank (so *that's* why my bike squeaks so damn much), weather ... but still. It's really no excuse.
I managed to run some, but I've missed a few long runs which isn't good since I have a half-marathon in mid-January. Still, I hit 40 miles again which means I only had one month under 40 miles this entire year (October).
I successfully kept up with the daily and I had a whole lot of random other stuff, which I'm happy about. Oh, and that "aquabike" class? Think a spin bike in a pool. Yeah. Super weird but super fun. Did that in Mexico (went down for my cousin's wedding).
So that was December. What about the overall year?
Unlike last year, where I failed at pretty much all my goals, I pretty much nailed everything this year.
Stick to the training plan I've written? Mostly! Through IM training, I hit about 66% of my swims, 67% of my rides, and 77% of my runs. Which really isn't all that bad compared to what I've done in the past. For it being the first time I've coached myself, it's not bad.
Finish out the year healthy and happy? I would say so. Except for this lingering cold (dang travel), I'm healthy and I would mostly say happy. You know.
To complete a 10K swim on my birthday? SUCCESS. Oh man was that hard but YES. I DID IT.
To enjoy the process? ... I would say mostly. I did take a fairly business-like approach to training this year because I arguably had to ... which meant I didn't enjoy IMoo as much as I maybe normally would have. However, I don't think I really dreaded training as much as in the past, so I'm counting this one as sure.
To document the path? I did blog a lot more at least through the race, so yes. I did.
In general, though, I would say it was a successful year. PRed both the 70.3 and 140.6 distance. Had the best recovery after both races (well, until I did the aformentioned 10K swim a week after the 70.3. that wasn't smart) so far.
Moreover, I'm still really excited and happy to be doing triathlons again, which is the best news of all. Especially after 2018.