Friday, May 5, 2023

April Round Up

... oh April. Full of ups and downs once again.

Swimming: 0m (0mi)
Cycling: 18.87 mi
Running: 27.57 mi
Lifting: nine sessions (3:30)
Other: one day skiing (1:30), one session stationary bike (:30), two walks (:50), twelve sessions yoga (5:45)

Swimming was a whole lot of nothing because, as I mentioned last month, my doctor didn't officially want me swimming with the thumb, so I didn't in order to let it properly heal. Which it is, so I'll accept that loss.

Cycling ... well, all those rides were outside on my gravel bike. The trainer sounds so horribly unappealing so I just haven't forced myself to get on it. The perk is that the weather is FINALLY getting better so hopefully a lot more outside rides can become a thing.

Running wasn't all that much, but I did not skip a single run day this month, so I'm really happy with that win. Along those lines, I actually didn't miss a single day in April, so another win there.

I did a mindfulness challenge in the MF app and while I technically completed it the first day of May due to schedule problems, I did complete it. It meant a lot of yoga, but I probably needed it.

I still don't have a lot of goals on the horizon - not doing that half in May I tossed around doing - glad I didn't sign up for it - but I did give myself a bit more structure in May. I've already gotten back in the pool once, so baby steps.