Wednesday, January 2, 2019

December and 2018 Round Up

Well, as you probably inferred from my previous post, December wasn't the greatest of months for me. No matter what I do, I somehow just turn into a pumpkin mid-month and have no motivation for ANYTHING. I may just have to accept this and plan for it in the future. Stupid, I know, but if that's what the ol' gray matter is going to want ...

... anyway, numbers!

Swimming: 10300m (6.4 mi)
Cycling: 76.79 mi
Running: 20.08 mi
Lifting: 16 sessions (3:51)
Other: one hike (:55), one stepmill session (:05), two walks (1:30)

Swimming ended up being an okay month. Obviously I was hoping for a bigger month (obviously), but I'll take this. Cycling ... I just didn't want to get on my trainer. And then it got cold. Really cold. Which, if I wasn't going to get on my trainer, obviously meant I wasn't going to ride.

Running was the real disappointment of the month, with barely 20 miles. I don't know what happened. 

As far as 2018, I pretty much failed at all of my goals. My big word goal was consistency (also known as base building), and that, at least, I felt like I was mostly successful at. Particularly the latter. I don't feel super behind going into 2019, and I think that was the best thing I could have hoped for. Running is still a garbage fire, and it might be stuck in that form, but I'm hoping not.

(Okay really the only thing I was successful at was doing a blog redesign. Which is a big thing, so I'll take the small victory there.)

I learned that I needed a large mental break this year. I learned that I need time in the mountains, which I'll give myself this summer. I'll make it somehow work and fit with IM training, because it needs to. I continued to have fun at races with friends, because sometimes, it's not all about the numbers. 

Although I failed at all my number goals, I believe that failure was necessary. And (spoiler) I'm probably not going to make any of those for next year.

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