Wednesday, November 2, 2022

October Round Up

Oh hi, October recap. If you read my last post on the state of the T, I'm sure you have an idea of what's ahead. That is, not much.

Swimming: 0m (0mi)
Cycling: 24.88mi
Running: 9.63 mi
Strength: three sessions (1:18)
Other: five hikes (5:00), four walks (2:50)

Can I get in a pool? Apparently the answer is no. 

I don't think I got on my gravel bike at all (although we can partially blame B for being out of town a lot for that ... and for me traveling with him on a chunk of his off days ... and YES I know I can get out by myself but). The fact that I am getting on the trainer again, however, is a good thing.

Running ... urgh. I don't know what's going on there.

Super disappointing with my lack of strength. That needs to NOT be a trend moving forward.

The hikes were great. I decided to enjoy leaf peeping to its fullest extent and tromp around among the leaves and I regret none of it. Some of it was also among cactus in Tucson which is also soul-filling. The walks were good, too.

I'm hoping to slowly ease my way back into something in November - and I do mean slowly ease, as I caught some gross cold at the end of October that I'm still recovering from - and hopefully the next monthly round up will look a little bit better. Hopefully.