Wednesday, November 3, 2021

October Round Up

October was an interesting month. Much like this whole year has been interesting. Read on ...

Swimming: 3500m (2.17 mi)
Cycling: 87 mi
Running: 41.22 mi
Lifting: 8 sessions (2:31)
Other: one session elliptical (:10), one session erg (:05), two walks (1:05)

I had Memphis, which went pretty well, all things considered (see previous post) and then I decided to take the next week completely off because of travel and, well, off-season.

Then, right as I was maybe starting to get back into things, I came down with what I thought was a cold or allergies (and probably still was allergies as well, given the sneezing) - actually, I/we got the 'rona. I never fully lost taste, but I did lose smell. B lost both. We did exercise through it, but it was definitely at a lower intensity (and only from the house).

Coming back from that has been interesting ... and I decided to not fight it anymore. I'll keep moving throughout the rest of the year, but I won't start officially OFFICIALLY training for Placid until January. I think my brain needs the time to reset, so I'll give it that.

In other good news, I've actually changed up my lifting and I think it's going well. I also, as you see, have started adding in a bit of random cardio which I think is also going to be good for the system.