Friday, November 1, 2019

October Round Up

So, uh, October was a bit rough. And clearly kind of low key as I'm not blogging other than recaps. Oops.

Swimming: 10194.56m (6.3 mi)
Cycling: 39.69 mi
Running: 27.28 mi
Strength: 31 sessions (3:12)
Other: two hikes (1:45), one stint race volunteering (5:00), one row (:15.04), two walks (2:08), two sessions yoga (:32)

My new goal for the rest of the year is to swim at least 10k each month as I haven't yet gone under it. It was a bit of a struggle to hit that goal this month, but I did it and I really hope to the next two months as well. A late trip to Tucson staying at a hotel with the most gorgeous pool helped the goal out quite a bit. 

Cycling has been a bit rough. I had a great ride three days after IMoo and since then ... ugh. We did ride a bit of Mt. Lemmon on that aforementioned Tucson trip and it was the most fun I've had on my bike since IM. The trainer will most likely be in my future as the weather has gone to shit, but such is life.

Running has been more of a struggle than I would have liked, but I'm still getting out there for the most part. Even if it is just a mile on the stupid treadmill here and there.

Strength was light this month in terms of time spent due to the way the TIU daily was set up, but that's already changing, so that time should go up again.

I am happy I got quite a few non-swim/bike/run activities in, and I hope to continue that as well!

REALLY hoping to get back into some consistent movement/training here ... even though I know I'm coming up on the hardest part of the year. Mind over matter, right?