Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Training for IMoo - Week Thirty-Four

Week Thirty-Four: 8.19-8.25

In which my body gives me the hard stop and taper starts a bit early, much to my dismay.


A slow, steady three mile run and then I actually finally got in the pool again for 2900. That swim was a struggle bus and a half, but whatever.


I had 30-50 miles on tap and I got in just over 30. Seriously okay with it at this point.


My final long run of 22 miles. The plan was to run from my house to the parents' ... but I missed a turn somewhere off the Highline. I was holding sub-12 until around 16 miles ... but I think my frustration got to me as my pace went to hell. I ended up somewhere waaaaay far away from home, though, and got in a little over 22.

A very dead jump shot after I got picked up and we headed to get coffee.


I had a 40-60 mile ride on tap as well as a 4.9k swim ... yeeeahhh, I got in 24 miles on the trainer. At this point, I could tell my body was probably crying out for taper (partially because I had/have been sleeping like crap), but I knew I had a long ride and a long swim left and I wanted to try like hell to get them both in ...


In which I should have in theory gotten in my last 100-120 mile ride in as well as a four mile run.

I got in 72 miles. I tried to run and my body just said NOPE. I guess this is taper ...


Did I do my long swim? Nope. Too damn exhausted. Just my daily.


I tried so hard to get everything in today. I had a double Bluffs loop run planned; I got to the Bluffs and realized that there was a trail race going on there that same day and I didn't want to interfere with that ... so I decided to go swim instead. I managed 500m. I felt like I was swimming through a fog ... and decided it was wisest to quit.


When your body gives you the signs, it is smartest to listen before it will stop you FOR you (spoiler alert for next week's recap). I am so utterly thankful I got in a massive week two weeks ago, as that ended up being my true peak week. I am hopeful that I am prepared enough right now ...

Weekly Numbers:
Swim: 3400m, 1:17:17
Bike: 128.92 mi, 8:08:28
Run: 25.34 mi, 5:17:01
Strength: 1:03

Friday, August 23, 2019

Training for IMoo - Week Thirty-Three

Week Thirty-Three: 8.12-8.18

In which things take a step back some. Partially unintentionally, partially intentionally.

(And sorry for the delay this week in posting; peak training continuing means my life is a blur.)


I had a decent ride on the schedule. We went up to Boulder to get it done before my bike fit ... but misjudged a lot of timing so I only managed to get in 20 miles pre-fit. Oops

But I did get a bike fit and I'm hoping it helps, so there's that.


Long run day - 20 miles! - and a swim. This week's 20 went a lot better than last week's 18 ... and part of that is probably because I left earlier. But who knows.

The swim was 3200 and I basically turned off my brain and just swam. Was totally on autopilot.


Another decent ride on the schedule ... that I decided to do from the house. I did the mall loop (so a bit over 8 miles) ... went back to the house to pee before continuing on ... and basically passed out. We decided that me stopping to fight another day was probably the wiser decision.


While Brandon was taking my parents to the airport, I was hitting up the track. It was definitely a struggle, but I completed the workout as scheduled.


I also in theory had a swim to squish in ... but decided not to ... because we were driving up to the western slope to Palisade in order for B to eat a lot of peaches for his birthday.


Essentially a scheduled off day (except an open water swim if I could manage it which clearly I couldn't) ... but I did this on purpose so I could be fully present for Brandon's birthday. Some things take priority over training; this was one of them.


The possible downside of the rest (and a late-ish night at the Rockies game) ... is that my body wanted more. I could not muster up the energy for anything today ... so my 5 mile run and my long swim? Cancelled.


... the only reason I was okay with taking Saturday off is that it meant that I could probably get my long ride in Sunday. Which I did.


Got just shy of 90 in up in Boulder and then decided to finish the last 13 miles or so at home on the trainer so Brandon could also get in a ride that day (we drove separately and I neglected to bring up his bike).


A little bit of a down week - which probably in theory shouldn't happen in peak - but one that I
- knew was a possibility with Brandon's birthday; and 
- was mostly okay with given my crazy f'ing week the week prior.
And I also knew that I had one more big week scheduled, so it was okay. Plus listening to my body is the most important thing, so there's that. I really don't want to burn out ...

Weekly Numbers:
Swim: 3200m, 1:16:39
Bike: 128.43 mi, 7:59:49
Run: 24.23 mi, 4:52:59
Strength: 1:00

Friday, August 16, 2019

Race #5 of the Season: Pancake Stampede 5K

I kept getting emails for this race (as well as the Donut Dash, which, if you recall, we raced last year in April, but got moved to August this year. Apparently.) and as I had a 3 miler on the schedule ... well ... we all know I run for food.

I made the decision to race after online registration had closed, so it was up early on Sunday to drive to Hudson Gardens for on-site registration. Even though the shirt cracked me up, I didn't feel like getting it ... and then the race becomes super affordable at $20 (with running and then all-you-can-eat pancakes and sausage after). 

Hung out for an hour until the race started, wandering a little around the gardens, before it was time to line up.

The first part of the race was a little annoying as we all got funneled over some bridges that were not meant for that type of crowd, but we got spread out as we left Hudson Gardens and got onto the Platte River trail.

As we live further north in Denver, I hadn't seen that part of the Platte in several years and they definitely installed some new fancy signage. Trail seems about the same though.

Miles were a little short (Garmin had 3.05 mi), but they ticked by fairly quickly.

The accumulated weekly fatigue started kicking in in the last mile, but I was still able to drop my pace a nice 3:00/mi to do my pseudo-customary sprint to the finish.

Photo courtesy SSPRD. I'm back there in the teal tank top and white hat.

Final Stats:
Time: 31:01.97
24/58 AG (F30-39)
75/197 gender
156/348 overall

For a nice, steady training run? I'll take it.

Plus the all-you-can-eat pancakes and sausage afterward as part of Littleton's Western Welcome Week totally made it worth while.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Training for IMoo - Week Thirty-Two

Week Thirty-Two: 8.5 to 8.11

In which I finally nail a huge week of training. 


Soooo my swimming actually got all shoved to the end of the week, but I did head to the Bluffs and get my hill repeats in. It was a little rough, but not bad.


Swapped my rides (slept), but once again, nailed my Troy TimeTrialPalooza workout. I'm realizing again why I like that workout.


Long run day. Started about 90 minutes later than I would have liked, but still got in my 18. It was long, and hard, and humid, and got hot ... but DONE.

This also meant I was too exhausted to swim, but eh.

Probably taken about 11-12 miles in. Which is probably why I look like I'm barely running.


Long ride day. In theory I was supposed to open water beforehand, but knowing how terrible that idea was two weeks ago ... I just decided to get on the bike. Goal was 90 miles; I kind of did 96. Oops. But! It went well, all things considered, and I did hella climbing at the beginning and then loops of the most rolling crap I could find.


Finally did an easy/hard/easy run again - 5 miles - and nailed it.

I also finally got in the pool and did a simple 2500. Scary how that's now my "short" swim of the week ...


Was supposed to do 40-50 on the bike ... my legs finally gave up and I got in a little over 30. Given that I went over on my long ride though ... whatever, I'll take it.


Also went to the pool and got in the 3800m swim I was supposed to do earlier in the week.


In theory, today should have been the 5-miler I did on Friday ... but there was a 5K pancake run I kept getting emails for ... so I did that instead. I didn't really race it, but did keep it fairly steady. And it was probably faster than if I had done it on my own, so there's that.

Proceeded to crash for like three hours after ... but I did drag my butt to the gym to get in my long swim of 5K. It was rough ... but I DID IT. HA.


Hoooooo boy, was that a long, hard week. However, it was super confidence-building, and I needed it. That long ride - although I'm still aiming for longer coming up here - gave me some hope leading into Moo.

Weekly Numbers:
Swim: 11300m, 4:30:12
Bike: 152.75 mi, 9:32:27
Run: 29.57 mi, 5:55:51
Strength: 1:08

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Training for IMoo - Week Thirty-One

Week Thirty-One: 7.29-8.4

In which I learn yeah, I probably was overtraining and therefore have a super light week. Oops.


We drove into Vegas this day so B could sell his car. My original plan was to get on the stationary bike at the gym and do over-unders ... but that didn't end up happening. Whatever, vacation.


We did, however, wake up early and run to the Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas sign at dawn ... because otherwise it would have been way too fucking hot to do so.

Jump at the sign.

We didn't run all the way back to the Bellagio, but about halfway to get in three miles.


Scheduled a possible swim that could get moved if necessary (non-rev travel is a tricky game to predict) ... it got moved. Not due to missing flights - we thankfully made all of those - but to being tired AF.


Got in another run this morning as well as my long swim for the week - a mere 4k. Weeee.


Sooooo the goal for the day was to do my long ride of 80 miles. We'd start out together and go down to the mall on the Cherry Creek Trail and then up into the park, do a park loop ... and then repeat as necessary, with the husband peeling off after the first "lap" as he doesn't need to do crazy miles right now.

What actually happened is an asshole bee stung Brandon in the webbing between his thumb and forefinger two miles after the mall turnaround (that part of the loop is 8 total miles). As he's had adverse reactions to bee stings in the past ... well, we went home to get him some medicine and some ice. I got on the trainer later that afternoon and got in another 32ish to make 40 on the day, figuring I'd just move my long ride (famous last words).


In which I should have run 12 miles (and swam) ... and in which I listened to my dang body and slept instead.


In which I should have gotten on my bike ... but didn't.

I did, however, get in a very nice 2k in a beautiful outdoor pool. My niece's 6th birthday party was at a Lifetime Fitness and my sister-in-law was totally fine with me ignoring the kids (friend party; adult relatives technically invited but told it would be boring for us) for an hour.

So so gorgeous.

I did, however, slack on the sunscreen department apparently and burned my back. Dangit.


Definitely a lighter week, but I'm hoping it gave me the rest I need heading into peak. Hopefully. Now if I could just get my sleep figured out ...

Weekly Numbers:
Swim: 6000m, 2:17:30
Bike: 40.83 mi, 2:19:16
Run: 6.38 mi, 1:14:30
Strength: 1:10

Friday, August 2, 2019

July Round Up

Well, I kind of failed on my main goal for July. Read on ...

Swimming: 29366.37m (18.25 mi)
Cycling: 289.86 mi
Running: 65.11 mi
Strength: 31 sessions (4:59)
Other: two hikes (3:30)

I was recovering really well after CdA ... and then I did my birthday 10k swim. Which I did! And it was great! But ... it was not exactly the smartest thing to do less than a week after a 70.3 (or at least in my position) as it delayed my recovery another week or so.

I knew swimming would be a bit down in June - and it was - but I did get a bit more open water in, so I'm happy for that.

Cycling ... ugh. I cut both a 70 miler and a 90-100 miler down to around 60 miles. I don't know what it is about the bike right now but it is a struggle. It might be mental - "oh I remember what I hated about IM training - the long rides" - so I'm going into the rides with a cranky attitude. Regardless, I need to figure it out and badly.

Running was a bit more down than I think I was hoping, but I've gotten in my last two long runs at least, so yay?

I didn't do any yoga like I'd hoped, but I did get a massage in. And we hiked twice and it was amazing and holy crap do I miss it.

August is mostly peak, so we'll see what it ends up looking like ...