Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Training for IMoo - Week Seventeen

Week Seventeen: 4.22-4.28

In which I still struggle to get the train moving smoothly.


Sometimes Mondays just end up being off days which I really don't like. I don't plan them as such but ... life. Did manage a lift (daily workout didn't exist. had to adjust for a day or two ... but mass popularity meant it came back. thankfully.)


Swim and a run. Running is sort of coming around - my three mile steady run ended up at a decent pace. However, it was also humid AF and went progressively downhill. The swim, 20x100, was a little rough, but it got done.


Bike time! Had the husband with and the goal was 25 miles ... and I got just shy of that. Whatever, I'll take 24.87 miles.



Bluffs run with hill repeats. Learning that I need to schedule myself 4-4.5 miles if I want to be able to do effective repeats. Did 10 by :20 and five by :30. Funny how I can manage the 20 second repeats fine but bump them up a bit? Ugh.


What was scheduled didn't happen, let's just say that. Blah day. Very blah day.


Long run in the morning - 10 miles out and back on the Highline. I'm bummed out - ever since I got sick, my long runs have been TERRIBLE. Long runs used to be the thing I looked forward to in my week. But lately? Ugh. Plus they've gone back to being slow(er). Although, in theory, that could be due to my HR changing thanks to being sick ... maybe? I dunno.

Right around the turnaround point. You couldn't miss me.

I also swam - 6x600. First half was great, the next 600 was meh; final two were terrible.


So I tried to do a long ride on the trainer. I put in the Spinervals IMoo course ride* and got on the bike.

I managed 15 miles. My legs had nothing. I couldn't push anything more than small ring. I was so unbelievably frustrated. If I lost something badly during my death plague, it was bike fitness.

I was also so demoralized (and my shoulder was a touch cranky from the other day) that I skipped my long swim, too. Ugh ugh ugh. 


Really just a shit week. Running was the only thing I managed to do all of. I really need to figure out a way to get some bike miles in, and soon. Swimming is just up and down.

Weekly Numbers:
Swim: 5600m, 2:07:31
Bike: 40.32 mi, 2:34:28
Run: 17.67 mi, 3:30:47
Strength: 1:03

*The IMoo course ride video might be even more boring/even worse than the IMAZ course ride video. And that's saying something. Plus they get lost at the beginning. *facepalm*

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