Friday, May 24, 2019

Training for IMoo - Week Twenty

Week Twenty: 5.13-5.19

In which I still continue to struggle, but also continue to fight as much as I can.

I also moved a lot of stuff around and completely scrapped the open water swim I had scheduled (which I think I only scheduled because one of the OWS places was scheduled to open but the weather has been so wacky and therefore all the water is cold and I'm not paying a lot of money to attempt to swim for like five minutes).


So tired. Swapped a run around so I only did two easy. I tried putting forth effort today, I really did.


Rode up in Boulder including some nice climbing up Lefthand Canyon. B struggled some, but I actually really enjoyed the climb. Am I getting better at climbing again FINALLY???



Could not muster up the energy to do anything. I ended up napping the whole afternoon. Clearly my body needed rest.


Had 60 miles on the schedule; managed about 52.5. Went back up Lefthand to where there was some construction (and a one lane road) and figured that was a good turning point. Didn't go terribly, but felt worse than Tuesday's ride.


Attempted track work. Went too hard on the warm-up and completely crashed and burned on my first interval. Scrapped the rest of the workout.


Also got back in the pool again. Swim had sprints and band work.


Probably should have got on the trainer, but only managed my swim of 2k. Ugh bad week.


Dropped B off at the airport and did my long run at Barr Lake State Park. I thought the loop around the park was 7 miles - nope, 8.8. So instead of doing a double loop, I just did a really long out-and-back to get in my 14 miles. Brought a bottle so I could have Skratch with me - definitely a good idea. 

I had hoped to get in my long swim (that I moved from Wednesday when I just died) ... but I forgot how much time I needed to budget to get it done. *sigh*


Decent bike week, okay run week ... crap swim week. The struggle is real.

Weekly Numbers:
Swim: 5900m, 2:07:07
Bike: 80.92 mi, 5:09:30
Run: 17.96 mi, 3:27:01
Strength: 1:28

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