Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Training for IMoo - Week Eighteen

Week Eighteen: 4.29-5.5

In which things sort of get better. Sort of.

Also managed the daily every day even if it got pushed to later in the evening than I'd like or got heavily (heavily) modified.


My three miles steady ended up kinda not being that as I ran while the husband was at the dentist back in Lone Tree. Which meant running a mile and a half down a hill and then a mile and a half up a hill (essentially). But I ran!


I'm not sure why both of us end up feeling super unsettled a lot of the time. I don't know whether it's hydration or diet or what, but it needs to get figured out.


I delayed anything so hard. The actual plan was a five mile run. That didn't happen. However, at about the time that I should have been thinking about dinner, I said "fuck it" and hopped on the bike to do the over-unders workout I should have done the day before.

This might have been a mental turning point for me ...


... or maybe not, as this day was also nothing. I brought my bike and everything to ride up in Boulder but the air was a bit too cold for my lungs (I'm trying so desperately to NOT GET FUCKING SICK AGAIN) and it ended up that I forgot my damn Garmin anyway. *facepalm*


I did the five mile run I should have done on the first this day (easy/steady/easy) as I figured I'd rather get in miles than the 1.3whatever all out that was planned.

I also got in a little over 25 miles on the bike in CCSP with an extra hill climb even. And it went way better than expected, so there's that.


Woke up to drag myself to the pool for the first time in about a week. I had 5K on tap (5x100, 4x1000, 5x100) and it may have taken me two hours, but I DID IT. Holy crap was that a lot.

I also, once again, failed to get in my planned long ride (of 45 miles), but did manage 30 miles on the trainer. I also seriously need to look into getting a bike fit (or at the very least a cleat fit) before CdA ...


Unlike what I did on Easter Sunday, I decided to get my long run out of the way first and then swim later (but also to give my poor shoulders more than 24 hours between swims). While the run felt like crap, the eight miles actually went way more decent than expected.

The swim was unsurprisingly pretty slow and I totally had to drag myself to the gym to do it. I pulled out an old 5x800 set that I did while training for IMAZ back in 2013 and I honestly forgot how much I liked that set (and realized why the husband still says it's one of his favorites). Maybe MAYBE 1600 of it felt good - the latter 400 of the first one, the second 800, and the first 400 of the third. That's it.

The perk, though, is that I think my brain shut off during part of it and I just swam based on muscle memory so I guess that's becoming a thing.


Missed a swim, missed a run, had a shortened bike ... but I feel like I had some good things going on in the latter half of last week. My goal for the current week is that I actually hit everything and don't rearrange all of the things.

Weekly Numbers:
Swim: 9000m, 3:40:05
Bike: 67.07 mi, 4:02:13
Run: 16.03 mi, 3:04:04
Strength: :54

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