Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Training for IMoo - Week Twenty-One

Week Twenty-One: 5.20-5.26

In which everything is TERRIBLE and the only thing I'm able to keep up with (albeit heavily modified) is the daily.


Planned off day (well. except the daily). Spent it driving to Dubuque, Iowa, as I had a concert to go to the next day.


In which I had grand plans of riding a loop (or two) of the IMoo bike course as well as a treadmill run. I had been keeping an eye on the weather leading up to this trip and the original forecast was rain. A lot of rain. I get to Verona that morning and there's no rain, but a crazy amount of wind. 

Now, normally, sure, I'd ride in wind (I'm getting better about it), but in an unfamiliar place where I don't know where I'm going and all alone? Maybe not.

I procrastinated hard at the N+1 cafe at Rocket Bicycle Studio (note: great cappuccino. also the doughnuts at the local grocery store were awesome) before giving up and just driving the course. Soooo I drove a loop of the IMoo course (and then the stick back as my hotel was right on it). It's going to hurt, but it's going to be a beautiful pain. It will also have a chance to be the shadiest IM course I've had, so you know, perks.

I got back with not really enough time to run before meeting a friend for lunch and then didn't really have enough time AFTER lunch to run before I had to go to the concert (had VIP meet and greet yo) ... plus I felt like absolute poop. Not a lot of sleep over the past few nights with early wake up calls and a lot of driving. Not good.

Basically, yes, I know, excuses, excuses, excuses. TRUST ME I KNOW.


Planned off day since I spent the entirety of it driving from Madison home and I had like three cups of coffee plus a thing of caffeinated soda and it was rough.


In which I basically did nothing but sleep because hot damn did I need it.


Brandon came home much later than planned so we got out on our ride much later than planned and then his hamstring was bugging him and yeah I could have kept going but meh and ... well ... you can see the story of this week.


Ran some. Probably should have been five; got in three. Both of us felt so crappy. I also tried some new shoes - Topo Athletic Ultrafly 2 - and unfortunately, until they come in a wide width, they're not going to work for me.


In which I do nothing but lift and even then kind of half-ass it thanks to a massive headache. 


Just a terrible week. Most likely a combination of a lot of factors - hydration, sleep (not a lot of that early on), mediocre diet ... I also just mentally gave up on the week by about Friday and from that point on, salvaging anything probably wasn't going to happen as a result.

Hey. Shit happens.

Weekly Numbers:
Swim: 0m, 0:00
Bike: 12.88 mi, 51:26
Run: 3.04 mi, 41:14
Strength: 1:01

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