Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Training for IMoo - Week Twelve

Week Twelve: 3.18-3.24

In which everything still sucked ... but I was able to get some answers by the end of the week.


I started the week determined to have a better showing than the previous week, and it showed, by me successfully getting in my easy/harder/easy 5 miles. Also, thanks to the husband to getting out there with me.


I moved my ride (always a terrible idea), but I did get in my 2.7k swim. It also didn't go terribly for being the first swim back after a mini layoff. Oh hey, maybe all the thousands of meters I've put in this year so far are paying off ...


I got in my planned run - park loop done all out - and it, understandably and predictably, quite killed me. I did not, however, get in my ride. I somehow randomly get bike anxiety, and I don't know how or why, but it is a *thing* with me and I hate it. I also had a concert this evening (Shinedown show #9) and wanted to get up to Loveland early so totally justified not getting in the ride. *face palm*


Holy shit I'm old and concert hangover is a fucking thing. I didn't drink, but 7 hours of little food and most of it standing and singing and ugh. I am too old for this shit.


When I'm already in a blah mood, trying to mentally get myself up for a treadmill workout I hate anyway is not going to be a thing.


On the schedule for the day: 50 mile ride (on the trainer, to the IMoo course video). Written in my workout log notes for the day: I want to cry.


In which I say fuck it, I really need to get in my stupid 12 miler ... but wake up with (what feels like) a giant block of mucus in my throat. In which I say fuck it, and try running anyway. In which I get out a little over a mile before I give up and go back home.


At least by Sunday I figured out that I was sick. But was it a bug that I'd been fighting for a while that finally came to fruition due to me not doing anything? Or did it develop because I wasn't doing anything? We'll never know ... and I'm currently still fighting it.

Weekly Numbers:
Swim: 2700m, 1:01:54
Bike: 0 mi, 0:00
Run: 8.64 mi, 1:44:19
Strength: 1:09

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