Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Training for IMoo - Week Eleven

Week Eleven: 3.11-3.17

Also known as the week in which everything (finally?) fell apart ... the only thing I kept doing consistently was my daily workout. Hooray.


Today was a planned off day given our friend leaving and a concert that night. It was actually good, too, because we were woken up AGAIN by the raccoons. We think they tried to get back in the house but couldn't due to the capsaicin. Also good: we had a critter company come out THAT DAY to put in a barrier so they can STOP LIVING IN MY F'ING HOUSE JEEZ.


Originally had a swim and run planned. With taking B to the airport (and being exhausted due to the concert the night before), I decided to shift the swim and just do the run. I had hill repeats scheduled at the Bluffs, and I did get those in (though it was windy AF).

The hair and the skirt flying around wasn't just because I was running ...


In which Colorado got hit with a bomb cyclone ... with a lot of snow and a lot of wind. I knew this day would be shit weather (and was so thankful it wasn't a run day) so I specifically planned a trainer ride - Pain Cave with Coach Troy. But ... I just couldn't get motivated. I don't know if it was due to the weather, or the fact that the lights flickered a tiny bit in the morning (oh I don't want to start my workout if I can't finish it due to possibly losing power hurrdurr) ... but no. So I didn't do it.


In which I was supposed to run 5 miles and swim long. In which I did neither thing. Partially due to feeling like crap, and partially due to who knows what.

I did, however, have a run mobility assessment with Tim DeBoom, so that was good. Still need to work on glute activation ... but seriously, who DOESN'T? That was before the Skirt swim wear launch party ... in which I was ridiculous as per usual.

Seen here wearing the new High Dive one piece. Use SSA1079The for 15% off! Free exchanges/returns on swim for the rest of March!


In which I was supposed to ride 50 miles (ha didn't happen) and do the swim I had moved from Tuesday. I did actually drag my ass to the pool ... which was 68 degrees (that's a little cold). I attempted to do my long swim instead (100s instead of something crazy) and got 10 done before I called it. 


In which I was supposed to run 10 miles and ... didn't. Is it because I've been sleeping poorly? Asleep late, awake late? Executive dysfunction?


In which I didn't bother swimming before picking up B from the airport ... and we both decided to scrap a ride.


Just a terrible week. But if I look back at my logs and comments, I've been struggling for about a month. I'm super grateful to have held on that long and, as frustrating as it is, this crash wasn't altogether surprising. Because they happen with me/us.

I guess I'm just pissed that these are the status quo and oh I just can't seem to string together week after week of super solid training without my body/brain just going NOPE STOP ALL FOR A WHILE. Grumble.

Weekly Numbers:
Swim: 1000m, 23:33
Bike: 0 mi, 0:00
Run: 3.18 mi, 38:09
Strength: 1:23

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