Monday, June 3, 2013

May Round-Up

This month could have been so so so so sosososososo much better. That being said, it was salvaged nicely. Read on ...

Running: 34.25 mi
Swimming: 8000m (4.97 mi)
Cycling: 121.93 mi
Lifting: five sessions
Other: a lot of walking, quite a bit of stretching, a tiny bit of basketball and a chunk of yard work

My running numbers could have been a lot higher and should have been ... if only I hadn't spent half the month running only 3 miles a week. *shakes head*

That being said, I'm pretty happy with my swimming and I'm starting to build up bike mileage again, which is GOOD. I didn't lift as much as I would have liked, but I'm scheduling at least a lift a week into our training because I know it's good for us. I'm also happy there was some more general non-tri related activity. That's going to be a trend that'll be tough to continue, but I'm hoping we can. June, for example, should have some dancing in it thanks to a wedding we'll be attending.

Keep following along for June's training craziness ...

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