Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Training for IMoo - Week Seven

Week Seven: 2.11-2.17

Daily went up in reps, so that's continuing to get modified. Half-assing it a little less, though, as I think me rushing through it was contributing to some random aches that shouldn't have popped up. Oops.

This week was a bit rougher for a couple reasons (which I will explain later).


I in theory should have done a bike this day ... but with a slightly crappy diet on Sunday and needing to adult at the Colorado Home and Garden Show ... this ended up being just a lift day (so essentially off). I was also a bad triathlete (or a good coach?) and moved the day's bike to Sunday.


Back-to-back swim and run. The swim was my 1400 speed work set (with an all out 200) that hurt like a MFer. It was also a bit slower than the last time I did it on January 29, so that was a bit of a bummer.

The run was the Bluffs loop (so brutal as is) with hill repeats. Unfortunately, given the mileage I scheduled myself for the day, I was only able to do one round of the 30/60/90 second repeats (that, if you remember, I first learned about at run camp last year.

From earlier on in the run.


It was gorgeous out, so I really should have done my 20 miles outside. But my legs felt terribly, weirdly sore and I thought that if my legs were going to die on me, better they die on me safe at home on the trainer as opposed to outside somewhere. So, trainer it was.


Another run/swim day. The run was the easy/harder/easy, but I bumped it up to four miles (1.25/1.5/1.25). I didn't go as hard during the harder part as I had been with the 3 mile version, but there was still a definite delineation in effort if you looked at the average pace which means success.

The swim was drill day, totaling 2100 and I was totally fatigued by the time the cool down rolled around.


30 miles on tap. Squandered another gorgeous day outside. I just could not get motivated to drive to CCSP and do three park loops. Last good outside ride day for the foreseeable future and wasted it. I'll probably end up regretting this. In my notes - "struggling, but fighting."


Long run day - 8 miles. At least my long runs are going well! Who'd've thunk my long run would be the bright spot of my week?

Quite possibly one of my favorite photos of me ever.


Long swim day - 2500 - which was a bit rough at the outset, but I settled in okay. Mostly rough mentally - did 50x50.

I also had the bike that was moved from Monday ... some quality time with Coach Troy in the Pain Cave. I haven't done that workout in lord knows how many years and we delayed it so hard (B did it with me) and almost skipped/modified it ... but I completed it and I kinda killed it.


I think the reason this week was a bit of a struggle was that B kept calling me crazy for doing 10:40 last week. But ... if you look at the hours of this week ... it was still over 10. I think I let his ... astonishment? derision? ... get in my head and fuck with me and it messed with me big time. 

Things got turned around by the end of the week, though, and we promised to have only positive things to say regarding training. There is no room for any negative mental energy here. None.

Weekly Numbers:
Swim: 6000m, 2:10:59
Bike: 63.99 mi, 3:43:56
Run: 15.42 mi, 3:02:25
Strength: 1:11

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