Wednesday, January 31, 2018

January Round Up

First things first ... as you might have noticed ... new look 'round here! Got bored with things and decided to change it up. It was one of my goals, if you recall. I'm also going to not blog in as tiny of a font. I may go back and edit old posts. Maybe. I'm also kind of lazy (and, more accurately, my newish laptop is a bit touchy), so probably not. Who knows.

Anyway, we're already through January. I know, right?

Swimming: 4200m (2.61 mi)
Cycling: 34.68 mi
Running: 26.22 mi
Lifting: 13 sessions (3:36)
Other: one bowling session (:45), five curling sessions (5:30), one elliptical session (:25), one rowing session (:15), two yoga sessions (:32)

The month started off decently well ... and then Brandon got sick and I think I got a touch of sickness from him and it all kind of went downhill from there. I haven't swam or ridden my bike in about two weeks. Of course, last time I tried to swim, I almost puked in the pool, so there's that. Running was going well (slow, but well) up until the last week or so. I got back on the ECFit lift party train ... before missing a session ... so I got back into lifting thanks to the TIU dailies (also the reason I have so many lifting sessions). Those daily lifts have saved my butt when it has come to getting in SOMETHING as opposed to nothing.

Curling is still a thing. We grumble slightly, but it's a thing.

February, I have small goals. Instead of planning the whole month out in advance like I've been doing, I'm going to do it week-by-week. That will allow for a bit more adventure (which I'd like in my life).

I would also like to hit a few mileage goals - at least 5000m in the pool, 50 miles on the bike, and 30 miles running. Obviously I'd like to hit way more than all of that, but that is the bare minimum I want to see. 

I am probably doing run camp (or ... most of it ...) with Katie and the Team Amazing Day peeps in early February which will also include a bit of swim instruction. We'll see.

I am definitely going to Disneyland alongside (but not technically with) my brother, sister-in-law, niece, and nephew ... which will mean a lot of walking around and not training. Which will be awesome.

February is usually kind of a miserable month, but who says it has to be? Let's change that internal narrative ...

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