Tuesday, March 1, 2016

February Round-Up

I still have my final Chilly Cheeks recap to do, I know. I'm getting there! This first, though.

I have things to say about February, but let's go for numbers first, shall we?

Swimming: 15500m (9.6 mi)
Cycling: 160.17 mi
Running: 35.12 mi
Lifting: three sessions (:44)
Other: two stretch sessions (:18), two walks (4:30), two yoga sessions (:28)

This month was higher in mileage with swimming and running, but not so much in cycling (although it probably should have been). The numbers appear decent, but I know that I've skipped a few workouts and cut a few short due to a possible few things:

- me adjusting to the work
- my typical thing of my body fighting progress
- February is just a stupid month

Who knows. I'm hoping more progress (and less exhaustion!) keeps on coming in March. No planned races, so just a lot of work ...

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