Wednesday, July 2, 2014

June Round-Up

Given Monday's post, you can probably guess that June didn't go as well as I'd hoped. Read on ...

Running: 24.36 mi
Swimming: 6650m (4.13 mi)
Cycling: 74.4 mi
Lifting: six sessions (2:27)
Other: one hike (1:25), two walks (:50)

Did I do something non-S/B/R related? Yep - hiked again. It was awesome. 

Am I strength-training regularly? Still at least once a week. And now, I'm trying to add in more core work, so this will definitely keep going.

Am I injury-free? Thankfully, yes.

Was June a disappointment? In theory ... yes. Am I going to call it as such? No, because I did what I did. That has to be enough. I will endeavor to do more work in July, but whatever I do will be enough.

I will say, however, that the month is already off to a good start.

1 comment:

  1. Just came by to catch up on you two high mountain people, lol!

    Life happens while we make other plans...

    I trust you are doing very well! Considering :-)
