Friday, January 7, 2022

2022 Goals

Unlike most of my previous years here, I really don't have many 2022 goals.

I don't know whether that's due to PTSD from last year, or hedging my bets in case this year also turns out to be a mental disaster. Which obviously I hope not since, uh, hard-ass race in IMLP.

I also don't really have much of a race schedule (yet), given the fact that we're moving to SLC in a few months. The move was originally planned for June (yes, self, let's move close to peak IM training, that's brilliant), but for actually unrelated reasons, we decided to move it up to the spring. Which honestly works out a lot better for yours truly.

I also don't have a super crazy thought out training plan like I did in 2019. I have general high numbers I'd like to hit (like weekly long run, long swim, long bike) each week, but not super specific workouts on specific days. With packing and moving (and skiing some still)(and adventuring), I want to see if I can actually make IM training work in regular life. Obviously I'll have to take a few weeks here and there and buckle down - particularly in peak training - but other than that ... here goes nothing.

I did, however, write down two intentions for this year that concern the athletic life:

- successfully train for IMLP and;
- go no longer than 15:15

That last one involves me chopping off basically 40 minutes on a brutally hard course. However, during a crazy day, I still managed to PR at another horribly hard race in IMoo. And if it rains at Placid, I know I'll do okay thanks to PRing my bike in Memphis - in the rain, while getting stung by a wasp - while ridiculously undertrained. As long as IMLP doesn't have a lot of false flats, I think I'll be okay. I can do long climbs. I can do descents all day long. Just ... false flats. But hopefully I'll be able to train those too.

In general, though, my main goal for 2022 is the same one I've had for years - finish out healthy and happy while having fun. Since I choose to do this, I better enjoy it.

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