Wednesday, October 9, 2013

September Round-Up

I'm starting to get behind on blogging - and I know why; it's either because I'm training or zoned out because I'm too tired to do anything else - but it also means I'm slacking everywhere else, too. Living space? Starting to be able to be labeled as "squalor." Yeah, making that a priority today ...

In any case, September's numbers!

Running: 68.35 mi
Swimming: 16600m (10.3 mi)
Cycling: 288.69 mi
Lifting: I really shouldn't even have this as a category anymore until after IM
Other: 10 minutes stretching (woo!)

This was a bigger month than August for sure, but I wouldn't classify it as "ginormous." Stupid rain. Stupid state flooding. Stupid zombie state for an entire week. Yeah, that's my fault entirely, but I honestly couldn't help the empathy. My heart ached for what was going on and it sent me into a mini depression. Not good things. Still, it was an improvement over August and October should (and already is) continuing to build on September.

Although, to be honest, it sure as hell needs to.

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