Friday, August 31, 2018

August Round-Up

Two blogs in one week whaaaaa? Crazy, I know. But I'm done working out for the day so I can do my monthly recap. Woo.

Swimming: 6000m (3.73 mi)
Cycling: 88.91 mi
Running: 25.27 mi
Lifting: 11 sessions (3:15)
Other: two hikes (2:45), five walks (4:35), three yoga sessions (:48)

As you can see, I hit two of my three mileage goals - swimming and running (and that last one only barely). Cycling ... ugh. I like riding my bike, but apparently I'm not finding ways to ride my bike either enough or longer. Or both. Probably both.

Lifting has been pretty consistent which I'm happy with. We almost managed hockey this month - had it scheduled for this past Thursday, but Brandon either caught a summer cold or summer allergies, and it knocked him out for a day or two. We decided while an easy run or bike was okay, hockey, with its stops and starts, probably was not.

I didn't hike nearly as much as I would have liked, but I'm a little squeamish about hiking on my own sometimes (why, I don't know) and Brandon's schedule was such that we didn't really have the opportunity to go on his days off.

That being said, the best part of August is that I only had one true day off ... which, given me, is pretty dang impressive, especially considering I had one week where what I did was pretty pathetic (comparatively speaking) and almost one week of travel. I will take that.

I'm continuing the mileage goals into September, but I haven't quite thought of them just yet. The true exciting thing is that we may graduate from stick/puck sessions to an actual drop-in. Eek!

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