Wednesday, February 5, 2025

January Round Up

It was not intentional (getting sick for like two weeks doesn't help things), but January ended up being a lot of the same old, same old.

Swimming: 0m (0mi)
Cycling: 0 mi
Running: 7.84 mi
Lifting: four sessions (:59)
Other: three sessions hockey (3:15), two walks (:31)

I did actually attempt to sketch out whether I could feasibly do IM 70.3 St. George and ... well ... at my current level of fitness? It's not smart. Given that my run base is non-existent right now, I could safely work my way up to 8 or 9 miles which isn't the worst, but not what I'd feel comfortable with. Especially on that course, which is a brutal bike. And with the swim being what it usually is (typically cold AF)? Yeah, not smart. So I miss that opportunity, and I'm going to have to live with it.

If I can claw my way back to a decent base by the summer, I may still consider signing up for Challenge Roth in 2026 since it does fall on my birthday, but I'm also still unsure about that. Fear rules a lot right now, and I don't enjoy it.

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