Wednesday, October 5, 2022

September Round Up

I'm slowly starting to get back at things - verrrry slowly - and September was indicative of that.

Swimming: 1000m (.62 mi)
Cycling: 50.59 mi
Running: 23.8 mi
Strength: nine sessions (3:34)
Other: one hike (1:00), one session erg (:15), two walks (1:07), four sessions yoga (:40)

Swimming still definitely hasn't come back, but I am trying to get there. I have good intentions, let's put it that way.

I actually did get back on the trainer again - woo! - and am continuing to get on the gravel bike ... even though it seems I get at least one puncture every time I go out. Grateful for the tubeless tires on that bike right now, let's just say that.

I am starting to get a bit more serious with the running again - more structured workouts, seeking out hills - which is a very good thing and really, long overdue. I think the last time I seriously did that stuff was what, 2019?

Strength hasn't been terrible, but it definitely needs to get more consistent and I think I need to start planning out my lifts better. I also would ideally like to get over my gym anxiety and get back to lifting in a gym again as opposed to at home, but we'll see if that actually happens.

I'm glad I had so much "other" - we're getting into my actual favorite hiking season (fall)(actual favorite season for everything, really), so I'm hoping to have a bit more of that going forward. The four yoga/stretch sessions is HUGE for me. I would also like to get out and walk a bit more on the regular, but not necessarily always log it, so we'll see how that goes.

The last thing not listed anywhere, but something I've actually been trying to do again, is a pre-run warm-up. This body definitely feels that it's close to 40, and my runs have been feeling a lot better after the warm-ups. So there's that. 

I have some loose goals for October, but I'm not going to share those here. Might try to keep things a bit closer to the chest here for the rest of the year ... mostly because I'm still trying to figure out my future.

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