So, as I hoped it would at the end of October, the November numbers do look better. Onward!
Swimming: 4100m (2.55mi)
Cycling: 37.96 mi
Running: 27.72 mi
Strength: eight sessions (3:13)
Other: one walk (2:30)
I actually started to get back into the pool and somewhat regularly. I didn't give myself any actual planned swims or distance to hit (which means I counted UP in my swims for the first time in many years). I had some deep, deep swim nausea, but I think I mostly worked my way out of that by the end of the month.
The bike has mostly been the trainer (with one short exception at the beginning of the month where we rode the gravel bikes to drop off our ballots). It's been a bit of a struggle there, but again, I'm trying to get on consistently.
Running is actually getting a little better. I had my first run where I didn't walk during it in who knows how long ... and I'm getting a bit better at running MORE before I need to walk. The wind and the cold like to have something to say about that, but it's a nice thing to see, regardless. Mileage is still staying pretty low though (obviously).
Lifting is always kind of a struggle, but by the end of the month, I researched some skiing-specific lifts and have been incorporating that in.
Only the one (logged) walk, and that was thanks to exploring a lot of Old Town Scottsdale when I joined the hubs on a layover.
I have a bit more structure planned out for December - mileage still isn't getting that high (five, maybe, as the longest run), but actual times for the trainer as opposed to AMAP (as much as possible). Same thing with the pool (in distances). And I've got the lifting plan that I'm continuing on with through the end of the month. Other should hopefully gain more things as ski season is definitely here in Utah and B has been dying to get up there.
Still attempting to think of goals for the next year, but I'm still having a bit of a struggle - particularly when it comes to a race season. I think I want one, but I'm just not sure how to go about it.