So, July. July was about par for the course for my months this year ... except that it finally contained my stupid Ironman (which, go back a post if you want to read about that).
Swimming: 14006.12m (8.7 mi)
Cycling: 274.98 mi
Running: 59.7 mi
Lifting: five sessions (1:53)
Other: four walks (3:35), two sessions yoga (:15)
Swimming was marginally decent thanks to a big swim or two at the beginning of the month (and then, you know, the race).
Cycling ... is. I got in a few long rides (not nearly enough) and DEFINITELY should have ridden more. B thinks that while I like the bike, I don't like spending many, many hours on the bike, which might actually be a true fact I don't want to admit to myself. I did really start getting to enjoy up to about 70 in the IMoo cycle, but how long did that take? Things to think about.
In other cycling news, WE FINALLY GOT GRAVEL BIKES! Our fun moving gift to ourselves was taking advantage of the Obed Memorial Day sale and getting us some Boundaries. We did get clip in pedals, but also decided for cheap flat pedals which, to be perfectly honest, makes them more fun to ride as it makes it more like riding as a kid which was JUST FOR FUN. Most of my riding for the next few months will probably be on that as I think Sweet Cheeks and I need a break from each other.
Running ... well, I'll be happy to run again when it's not the surface of the sun anymore. I hate summer running so much, especially when all my body wants to do is sleep in which means I can't run in the few hours of the day when it's not 90-something.
I really dropped the strength ball in July and I would like to pick that one up again. Same thing with the "other" - most of those walks were around Lake Placid (... probably not wise pre-race, but eh). I miss hiking and we did move to a place with a lot of good hiking, so we're going to try to squash that back into our lives.
In general, though, I write this about 10 days out from the race and my body is NOT liking moving. I didn't do much the first week mainly because I had a giant blister on the bottom of my foot that made walking awkward (much less anything else). I've run a few times and biked once (and lifted!), but more than one thing a day wipes me out. I actually think that now that the race is over (and the move), my body is finally crashing HARD from all the stress that it was put through over the first half of this year. So if it wants to just chill? I guess I'm going to let it chill.