May was filled with both positives and negatives. As is the case with every month these days. Read on ...
Swimming: 13388.18m (8.32 mi)
Cycling: 187.7 mi
Running: 34.71 mi
Lifting: three sessions (:53)
Other: one hike (1:25), two days "home improvement" (5:00), two walks (:48), one session yoga (:10)
Swimming went down in terms of mileage, though I have gotten a few long sessions in (I'm up to 4k) and I did attempt some open water at the beginning of May while I was in St. George.
I doubled my bike mileage - WHICH WAS DESPERATELY NEEDED - and even though I'm not where I need to be there, I have started getting in longer miles. I actually hit my long ride last week, so yay for that?
The run has slipped some - run mileage went way down and I haven't gotten in my weekly long run in way too long. The only perk there is I can trudge forever and as long as I can keep running consistently and bump up what was my last long run by at least four miles, I'll be as prepared as I was in my first IM, so there's that.
Strength work was a huge disappointment and something that needs to get turned around. The other extras weren't bad - the "home improvement" was moving into the new house and schlepping around a LOT of heavy boxes - but if I keep them around, they mostly need to be yoga. Because an IM at 38/39 is surprisingly a lot harder than at 35/36.
But now that we're settled into the house (... for the most part), once the last giant pile of furniture is delivered today, my main priority for the next eight weeks is preparing for Lake Placid.
Let's go.