Ah, November. Where the off-season mental break continued and it was glorious. Let's read on, shall we?
Swimming: 2200m (1.37 mi)
Cycling: 10 mi
Running: 13.31 mi
Lifting: 8 sessions (2:29)
Other: one walk (2:00), three sessions yoga (:40)
My brain and my body were very clear in that I needed to continue my break, so I did. About halfway through the month I finally decided I wanted to move at least a little bit every day, so I have. Which meant I started running again - just a little bit (clearly, given the numbers), got on the bike, and got back in the pool a little.
As I'm getting old and stiff in the morning, I've been doing yoga a touch more and it's felt good.
I'm still planning on more structured training starting up in January, but I'm hoping to continue the movement into December. I may also try to do the Stomp the Trainer 500 (or the smaller 250 version) between Christmas and New Year's again, but we'll see.