April started off like the rest of the year, but by the last few weeks, I was finally able to pull my head out of my ass and get sorted again.
Swimming: 5500m (3.42 mi)
Cycling: 52.7 mi
Running: 23.13 mi
Lifting: 21 sessions (4:38)
Other: one day skiing (2:30)
The numbers might seem kind of crappy, but consider that they were all in the last week, week and a half of the month? Then it's not so bad. I'm slowly starting to feel like myself again, too. Maybe I needed to feel like a triathlete again. Maybe it's more in my blood than I ever thought.
That last day (so I thought ... *spoiler*) of skiing was also a nice bonus for a late April day.
Hopefully May is back to "standard"-ish numbers (around 10k swimming, at least 100 mi on the bike, and 30-40 run miles).