Wednesday, February 3, 2021

January Round Up

I'm going to be flat out honest - in terms of Januarys, this one sucked.

Read on ...

Swimming: 12000m (7.46 mi)
Cycling: 52.55 mi
Running: 37.73 mi
Lifting: 20 sessions (4:11)
Other: three hikes (2:50), three days skiing (8:00), one walk (1:00), two sessions yoga (:22)

Swimming, though I definitely missed some sessions, wasn't too bad. I got over my 10k. Some days I feel like I'm doing well in the pool; some days I don't. Fairly standard.

The bike was a huge disappointment. I am having issues getting on my bike right now and I am not exactly sure why. Something to figure out for sure.

Running wasn't bad, but definitely not where it probably should have been. Of course.

While strength seems low in terms of sessions, I actually did do each of the daily workouts ... I just doubled (or tripled ...) them up on some days.

I did get in some other stuff too which was nice, and I'm not going to discount that.


Usually, January is a great month of starting new and fresh and motivated and it just wasn't for me. It was for the first few days, but it fell off and it fell of quickly. I'm not sure if it's just a lot of residual stress and fatigue from gestures broadly ~*everything*~ or maybe a little bit of "what's the point" when there's seemingly no end in sight to our current situation or what, but that's what it was. Hopefully February can be a little better.