Another month down. Not much else to say there. Let's see how it went, shall we?
Swimming: 12100m (7.52 mi)
Cycling: 50.27 mi
Running: 59.54 mi
Strength: 30 sessions (5:29)
Other: two hikes (2:14)
I started getting back in the pool regularly again (ending out the month with a few three swim weeks) and it's becoming noticeable. I'm starting to focus on form a bit more and, what do you know, it actually works. I've seen some faster times (for me) again so I guess that's paying off and I guess that's something I'm going to continue working on.
The bike continues to be a disappointment. My swim went back to decent once I started giving myself specific workouts again so I'm going to do the same thing with the bike (or at least parameters of how much I should ride that day). My mini goal is to ride at least 100 miles in December.
Running is continuing to go pretty well. The race we're in theory training for might not happen (registration still isn't open yet they have a date for it ...), but we're hoping that if it doesn't, there will be something local-ish we can substitute in its place. Hopefully.
The other disappointment this month (besides the bike) was the lack of other. Hoping that changes despite the weather and cold!
Also obviously sticking with the daily since it seems to be working. Consistency over time, man.