Oh, January. Usually the fresh, motivated start to the new year. For most people. This year? Not so much ...
Swimming: 13900m (8.64 mi)
Cycling: 104.59 mi
Running: 46.03 mi
Lifting: 31 sessions (5:43)
Other: one session erg (rowing)(:15:05), one session skiing (4:30), one session yoga (:14)
In terms of my usual numbers ... average swim month, below average bike month, and an okay-ish run month. I was successful with the daily (woo) and some great non-S/B/R activities. The month finished off really strong as well.
I dunno, this year's been weird. I'm pseudo-attempting to train as if for a full ... but I haven't officially committed to anything (and the race is 75% full so I may want to think about it) ... and the 70.3 is still so far away that it's hard to get motivated.
Plus I've been super blah - pretty much since Thanksgiving if we're being honest - and have started off February with a decent head cold too.
Motivation in most things in my life - getting onto a regular schedule, moving from my desk, etc. - is not really present and I'm hoping that can change soon.