Oh August ...
Swimming: 4754.2m (2.95 mi)
Cycling: 146.55 mi
Running: 35.86 mi
Lifting: two sessions (:25)
Other: four walks (8:45), one hike (:45), two stretch sessions (:20)
The month started out as taper for Ironman Boulder ... and then Ironman ... and then essentially a week off for recovery ... and then in theory starting to get back moving. The problem is, that's been way harder to actually do, despite the ever-looming Ironman Chattanooga.
If I weren't so damn sunburnt after Boulder, I actually probably would have kept moving that week. Sure, Monday was stiff, but I was back at work Tuesday and ended up walking about four hours (8ish miles) on Wednesday wandering around the city while my car was in the shop all day. I would have been perfectly happy popping in the pool that week had my poor shoulders allowed it.
But when I was finally "supposed" to get back to training ... my body and brain was having none of it. Nope. You can do nothing. Maybe I'm mentally ready to be done. Maybe my body was more deeply beat up than I originally thought. In any case, I've got about three weeks until IMCHOO and I need to get at least one week in of some somewhat solid training ...