Friday, September 23, 2011

August Round-Up

August ... other than the race ... was kind of a disaster.

But you know what? I think I'm okay with that ... which I'll post about soon enough. In any case, the numbers for this month looked okay ... purely because I did a half-freaking-Ironman in the beginning of the month.


Running: 25.14 mi (average went up about one minute/mile)
Swimming: 1.43 mi (average went up about three minutes/mile)
Cycling (outside): 63.56 mi (average went up about two mph)
Cycling (trainer): again, screw you Skippy
Lifting: two sessions
Other: one game of co-rec softball. So strenuous.

So yeah, crappy month, but ultimately, I think I'm okay with that. My body needed the rest, I've been crazy busy with wedding planning (two days!) and as I'll post about here shortly, I was able to BS my way through a sprint tri a week ago. So y'know, I'll take it.

I just wish my cardiovascular endurance hadn't gone to hell.