Cycling: 11.39 mi
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
February Round Up
Cycling: 11.39 mi
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
January Round Up
It was not intentional (getting sick for like two weeks doesn't help things), but January ended up being a lot of the same old, same old.
Swimming: 0m (0mi)
Cycling: 0 mi
Running: 7.84 mi
Lifting: four sessions (:59)
Other: three sessions hockey (3:15), two walks (:31)
I did actually attempt to sketch out whether I could feasibly do IM 70.3 St. George and ... well ... at my current level of fitness? It's not smart. Given that my run base is non-existent right now, I could safely work my way up to 8 or 9 miles which isn't the worst, but not what I'd feel comfortable with. Especially on that course, which is a brutal bike. And with the swim being what it usually is (typically cold AF)? Yeah, not smart. So I miss that opportunity, and I'm going to have to live with it.
If I can claw my way back to a decent base by the summer, I may still consider signing up for Challenge Roth in 2026 since it does fall on my birthday, but I'm also still unsure about that. Fear rules a lot right now, and I don't enjoy it.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
2025 Goals
... I should probably not make this post while I'm sick (came down with one of the plagues that's been going around for everyone - got it from B), but here we are.
Do I have goals for 2025?
Truth be told ... I don't know.
Get healthier. I feel like I took a large step back last year - I rarely get sick and yet I was sick multiple times last year. I hate the way I look, the way I feel in my skin - it's definitely a year where I felt like I came out worse than I entered it.
So for 2025? I'd ideally like to finally FIGURE OUT MY DAMN SHIT, but I've been hoping for that since 2021, so good luck?
I was considering signing up for St. George 70.3, since it's being discontinued after this year, but I still haven't quite decided. Whether I want to do it for the right reasons, or just because it's going away.
I definitely have a dinosaur-themed 5K that we were supposed to do last year, but had a conflict with something else, so we deferred it a year. I may do the Icebreaker du again, but we'll see. Brineman sprint is also a possibility. I in theory said I'd do a sprint up in Idaho with a friend, but I haven't officially signed up for it.
This is rambling. I don't know.
2025: may I end the year feeling better and stronger than when I started it.
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
December and 2024 Round Up
Other: six sessions hockey (5:56), one walk (:22)
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
November Round Up
Cycling: 3.71 mi
Friday, November 8, 2024
October Round Up
October ... was an interesting month. Clearly I raced more than I had all year, but that was about it.
Swimming: 0m (0mi)
Cycling: 0 mi
Running: 51.22 mi
Lifting: two sessions (:21)
Other: one hike (1:10), six sessions hockey (5:58), 13 walks (8:07)
Yep. Can we even call me a triathlete anymore? (Kidding ... kind of).
I barely ran outside my races, but I PR'ed my half, so whatever. Lifting was absolutely abysmal. That has to change. I'm glad we got out hiking again and hockey season has begun again in earnest.
Really, the thing that saved my booty this month in terms of movement was B's company's Walktober program. That got me out the door if nothing else would.
We're about a week into November and I haven't planned a thing. Should I? Probably. Will I? Probably not. Plans haven't really gotten me anywhere, so right now, I'm going to just do my best to move and go from there.
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Race #5 of the Season: Haunted 5K (Provo)
I also ran this one for the medal.
With how well I ran the half, I thought that maybe the 5K could also go well ... but I think I destroyed my poor immune system and got sick in between the two races.
Everything was in my head - nothing in my chest - so I figured I'd show up, run easy, and if I needed to, I could just walk it in (perks of it being just a 5K).
Pseudo-dragon rider outfit. Kinda.
I definitely started out pretty easy, but I was happy with how much I was able to run. I walked whenever things seemed to get spicy with the ol' lungs (and heart rate), but I ran way more than I was expecting.
Honestly, for running sick, it went well.
Truthfully, there's not much to say about this race other than that I FINALLY ran smart enough while under the weather to not finish it hacking and dying like I usually do.
That's growth, friends.
Overall Stats:
Time: 34:24.04
17/65 division (F40-44)
214/798 gender
442/1286 overall