Wednesday, September 4, 2024

August Round Up

Oh, it's pretty easy to guess how August went ...

Swimming: 1800m (1.12 mi)
Cycling: 26.65 mi
Running: 69.7 mi
Lifting: six sessions (1:40)
Other: five sessions hockey (7:01), eight walks (5:02)

Well, I got back in the pool and on the bike, so that's a plus? I have Brineman in two days and it's gonna be interesting, let's just say that.

Running picked up nicely, but it's still been a bit of a struggle. Life has continued to be a struggle, but I try. I try my best, even if it's not much most days.

Hockey has been regular, which is good. Lifting needs to get there again. And I've always got a walk to fall back on (when I'm not being eaten alive by mosquitos).

Not the worst month, but it could have (should have) been a lot fucking better ...

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