Wednesday, January 11, 2023

2023 Goals

Ha, 2023.

We're a week in and I'm still not working off of a plan.

I am not signed up yet for any races. I'm sure that I want to race the local triathlon that takes place down the street from my house, but I haven't registered yet since I have no idea what distance I want to do yet.

(Part of me still wonders if I even want to race this year, but I also know I need something on the schedule to work towards.)

I have a loose 2024 goal (finally do a standalone marathon) and I'll probably return to the 140.6 distance in 2025, but 2023? Who the hell knows?

I guess my main priority for this year is to get BACK in shape and really take hold of my health as I turn 40 this year. I'm not doing all that terribly, given the state of the average American, but I know I can do so much better.

So there. I guess my goal is that. Turn 40 and become a person that won't need to rely on the system in 5, 10, 20, 30 years.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

December and 2022 Round Up

... as you can probably surmise, 2022 wasn't the easiest year for me. But first, December ...

Swimming: 3700m (2.3 mi)
Cycling: 37.47 mi
Running: 23.71 mi
Lifting: 11 sessions (3:46)
Other: three sessions ice skating (1:23), one session erg (rower) (15:01), three sessions skiing (5:10), two walks (3:45)

December started off really well, but as it usually goes, the holidays hit and I swear stress floats in whether you like it or not. As a result, the last two weeks ended up being straight survival mode.

One monthly highlight was probably finally checking out a few of the ski resorts here (not my Winter Park, but what is), and skiing in hella powder, realizing that skiing the pow is a skill, and not one that I have. The other was definitely getting back on skates again and realizing just how much I have missed that. Hockey is a thing that needs to come back into both our lives.

As for the year ... I did not hit either of my stated goals. While I successfully finished IMLP, I do not believe I successfully trained for IMLP (although, if I finished, does that automatically I did?). I also definitely did NOT hit my time goal of 15:15. Moving during an IM is not something I would ever suggest to someone unless they a.) are way more type-A than I; and b.) have way more base fitness than I.

The main goal - finish out the year healthy and happy while having fun - is also kind of a miss. I'm healthy in the sense that I'm not injured, but I'm not happy in my physical body. Also "fun" is a word that's been missing from the vocabulary for quite some time now.

Swimming was a down year (if I miss 100k, it's a down year). Cycling was meh, and running was average.

Really, this was just one of the hardest years I've had, personally, mentally, emotionally, and athletically, and I'm just happy to have survived it.