Wednesday, May 1, 2024

April Round Up

... is any month good anymore? Things to ponder ...

Swimming: 3400m (2.11 mi)
Cycling: 17.76 mi
Running: 30.11 mi
Lifting: 11 sessions (3:33)
Other: four sessions hockey (4:58), eight walks (3:49), one session yoga (:10)

Tell me if you've heard this story before: the month started off well, I took a trip ... and then everything went to shit. In a new twist, just as things started to look back up again, I got a little sick. Thankfully that was pretty much only a lost weekend, but still.

I really wish I knew why swimming and cycling are so hard for me right now.

Running, thankfully, is starting to come around. All the hockey (that is, sprint work) is finally starting to pay off as I did my first three mile run with NO WALKING for the first time in I don't know how many years.

Strength is slowly starting to come around again which is a good thing and so necessary.

We kind of gave up on skiing for the season since hockey has been our main priority instead (and schedules have been shit for it unless we want to ski on a weekend which is something I do not do), but I'm not mad about hockey being the priority.

And I only missed one walk this whole month ... though I wish I logged way fewer as my only workout of the day.

Obviously I have hopes for May but at this point ... I need to keep surviving. And hope swimming and cycling get easier at some point if I want to have a prayer at even considering going back to Ironman next year ...

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

March Round Up

March - let's call it what it was (courtesy of The Simpsons) - a very lousy Smarch.

Swimming: 2000m (1.24 mi)
Cycling: 20.11 mi
Running: 21.08 mi
Lifting: four sessions (1:49)
Other: six sessions hockey (6:19), two days skiing (3:24), 14 walks (6:35)

You know it's bad when I have FOURTEEN FUCKING WALKS logged. When that's all I manage to do for like half the fucking month.

The first week? Was fine. I had my planned trip ... and around there everything went to shit. Why? I am still trying to figure it out. Am I still broken from the world waffling? Is it some sort of weird burnout? I wish I knew.

But. I did manage that duathlon that went ... okay. And I officially signed up for the St. George Marathon, so there's that. 

And I've really loved getting back into hockey (even though my season's basically over so that'll drop off some). Thankfully I'm only planning on short and local if I do tris ... but if anything, that running needs to get WAY better.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Race #1 of the Season: Icebreaker Sprint Duathlon

Except for the marathon I'm hoping to race later this fall (and which I get to sign up for on Monday ...), I'm planning on my racing this season to be small and local. Which I guess the marathon is technically

The multisport race season starts around here with the Icebreaker Sprint Tri down in American Fork in late March. It's a 300m pool swim and I would rather *not* do a triathlon with a pool swim (for many reasons; one of which is I'm slower so it would take an hour before I even got IN to the pool ...) if possible. Thankfully, they had a duathlon option (apparently new this year) and since I like duathlons and haven't done one in far too long, I chose that.

I'd been watching the weather for a while and rain was popping in and out of the forecast, but thankfully race day was dry. Chilly and the breeze kicked up by the finish, but dry.

Even better is that the hubs was off and could take pictures.

In our normal fashion, we got there early. But the duathlon also took off ten minutes before the triathlon did, so there was that. There only ended up being a handful of us - they announced eight, but there were nine or ten of us who lined up to start.

It was high-40s, low-50s, maybe? Totally warm enough.

The Bike:

The bike course was two loops on the bike and one on the run. Two older guys took an early, early lead and then three of us women kind of spread out. There was one in front of me that was far enough in front that depending after turns, I lost sight of her and the woman behind me I ended up getting about a quarter mile ahead of, as well.

But, thanks to not a lot of people being out there ... I somehow missed a turn somewhere and got about a mile off course. How I missed the cones I don't know - was it when I took a drink? did they somehow not exist? - but yeah. I eventually caught back up with the race, but UGH.

Coming back up into transition after making the CORRECT turn on loop two.

Time: 48:23


I was obviously a bit annoyed about the bike snafu, but oh well. Still had to run, so I got ready to do that.

Time: 1:38

The Run:

Heading out.

It was a bit rough going the first mile - especially because it followed the bike course and that first mile or so had some hella nasty hills. Some of the speedy people from the tri also started passing me, too. But all I could do was keep one foot in front of the other and so I did.

About halfway through, I did try a maple candy (basically straight maple sugar - bought them up in Maine) to potentially test it out as marathon fuel - I think, as long as they're a lot fresher and not half-crystallized, they'll work.

Even though the race does end up going downhill which helps things out, I did solidly negative split the run (which my Garmin had being just short of a 5K).

Coming down the hill that takes you to the field to the finish.

Crossing the finish.

Time: 32:16

Overall Stats:
Time: 1:22:16.93
4/5 gender (so few so not a separate age division)
5/8 overall

The bummer of the matter was that I was only a minute behind third and like two behind second so if I hadn't gotten lost and rode an extra mile on the bike course (anywhere from 3-5 minutes) ... but alas.

Still got my pancakes. Not quite as good as Flippin' Flapjacks, but is anything?

Mmm, pancakes.

Race yeti ... which did the funniest pre-race announcements. Translated, of course.

Second TriUtah race and they do a good job. I think I have one or two potential other possibilities by them on my race calendar as well ... including doing Brineman again.

Friday, March 1, 2024

February Round Up

For the most part, February was an improvement over January. And that's all I can really hope for these days, isn't it?

Swimming: 4500m (2.8 mi)
Cycling: 52.98 mi
Running: 26.06 mi
Lifting: eight sessions (3:05)
Other: five sessions hockey (4:54), three days skiing (8:40), ten walks (5:21)

The good news is, the improvement came even with me essentially taking a week off thanks to getting kinda sick (which is why all the logged walking so as not to have off days).

Swimming was up 500m which isn't much, but for me these days? That is huge.

The bike was up a whole lot which is GREAT. I got outside twice and attempted my usual Miracle ride on 2.22. The trainer is still a struggle, but I'm fighting the good fight.

Running was down a mile, but that's the only thing that was down. Thanks to the hockey, though, I am seeing glimpses of improvement here and there. Which I was hoping for ... since hockey is a way more fun way to get (the benefits of) speed work in.

I lifted twice more than in January. 

Hockey we know is up - and we've officially signed up to play in Germany in September - so that is 100% going to continue to be a thing.

We also finally got up the mountain a bit more. Still need a few more days to feel like we've justified the passes, but y'know. That should come.

March we're hoping for more of the same. I know I'll have a marginal down week the second full week of the month - going to tag along to Atlanta with B so no bike or swim - but I can plan for that, so it's okay. Running is the main thing I need to do this year anyway, and that can happen everywhere, so I think (hope) I should be good. Hopefully.

Friday, February 2, 2024

January Round Up

As months go lately, January was fairly typical. Started off strong ... tapered off thanks to some travel. And, well, it is.

Swimming: 4000m (2.49 mi)
Cycling: 15.71 mi
Running: 27.13 mi
Lifting: six sessions (2:27)
Other: two sessions hockey (1:59), one session erg (:10), one day skiing (:45), eight walks (3:58), one session yoga (:25)

Swimming and riding weren't nearly as much as I'd hoped, but at least I did them somewhat. Running fell apart a bit in the later part of the month, but I'm on track with my long runs, so that's a plus. Lifting REALLY needs to get upped. Like for real.

The other has been great. Hockey is on a regular basis for at least the next few months. Skiing is going to start popping up a bit more (although the time listed might be less now that my Garmin actually tracks such things). I did walk a lot more than listed, but I'm not logging all of it in BT (except in daily notes). 

I have had better starts to my years for sure, but I've also probably have had worse. Here's hoping February ends up being somewhat better.

Friday, January 5, 2024

2024 Goals

Well, as opposed to last year, I do have marginally more direction in my goals this year.

The first and foremost being, run my first (standalone) marathon. Which will be St. George (as soon as I'm allowed to register April 1).

I have a loose training plan already and I'll fine tune it as I get to the point where the actual plan would kick in (either 16 or 18 weeks out, probably).

As for the rest of things ... I've joined a hockey team (first game Sunday) ... mostly because B and I are hoping to play in a tournament in Germany over Oktoberfest with the same group I did my Europe hockey tours with back in college.

I have a few tentative races on the schedule, but haven't signed up for anything yet:
- Icebreaker Duathlon in early March (technically a tri, but I don't do pool swim tris)
- Antelope Island Duathlon in early April (are these two races question marks due to weather? Because yes, yes they are)
- Jurassic Run 5K in late June (okay, this one is going on the schedule because it runs through a dinosaur park in Ogden and DUDE SO US)
- Echo Canyon Tri in mid-July
- either Daybreak Tri or Provo Canyon half in mid-August (partially depends on what we do (if anything) for B's birthday)
- East Canyon Half in late August (depends on if I do Provo Canyon)
- Brineman again in early September (depends on if I have the time or if I'm on a plane to Germany at the time)

A cousin also is trying to get me to do the Chicago Triathlon (probably because he couldn't talk me into doing a charity slot for the marathon) which is in late August ... but that's probably gonna be a no.

I also know that balancing a local tri season with hockey and marathon training is going to be interesting - especially because I will have to get creative with runs around the Germany trip if it happens (I've already accepted I'm probably forgoing a long run that week, but the extra rest - and sprint work from hockey! - probably won't be the worst thing). But I've never wanted to be shoved in a box, and 40 apparently is me doing all the things. So it goes.

But. Actual goals:
- Finish my marathon
- Preferably with a respectable time (if I could do around 5, I'd be thrilled)
- Stay healthy and happy with everything
- Not neglect strength and flexibility
- If I do Brineman ... do better than last year

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

December and 2023 Round Up

 Oh 2023. I'm glad you're gone. But let's talk about December first, shall we?

Swimming: 0m (0 mi)
Cycling: 39.7 mi
Running: 16.27 mi
Lifting: 16 sessions (5:41)
Other: two sessions hockey (2:18), two sessions indoor rowing (:15), four walks (1:28)

Swimming just ended up being a disaster. I did actually try to go to the gym to swim ... only to find out that the pool was closed due to a broken heater. I almost went to another gym to try ... but the amount of energy I expended just to even go that day meant that nope. Not a thing. Pretty sure I started this year being frustrated by a closed pool, so it's fitting that it ended that way, too.

Cycling was marginally respectable (by this year's standards). I attempted the yearly Stomp the Trainer challenge, but only got two days done. But I tried. And we actually had a nice day in mid-December so I GOT OUTSIDE. Because that wasn't a thing at all last year.

Running ... was a bit of a struggle.

Lifting I had a plan which helped and as for the rest of it ... I have officially decided to get back into hockey (yay?), so more of that to come. And for the rest of it ... I moved. Some.

As for 2023 ...

Everything was terrible. My swimming hasn't been that bad since 2011. The cycling was the worst since I started logging it seriously back in 2010. Running wasn't my worst year. Definitely in the bottom half (third) of years, but still marginally respectable.

My main "goal" for the year - if you even want to call it that - that I blogged about here was to get back into shape and take back my health. Did I do that? I would argue no. But I do think I might be on my way.

The best thing I can say out of 2023 is that, while it was pretty shitty, it didn't break me. And I think I can finally see some light at the other end of the tunnel.