Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Training for IMoo - Week Eight

Week Eight: 2.18-2.24

Still continuing the daily with fewer reps, modifying as needed. Like with stuff that means heavy weight on my right wrist (oh barista wrist ...). 


Run and a bike on tap. Attempted the MX Treadmill set once more - still only into the third interval. I think if I'm going to do this stupid set I need to plan it so it's the only workout of the day.

Bike was Coach Troy - Dropping the Hammer ... which was the first time I've done *that* set since probably the apartment. Was way more miles than I anticipated (oops) and might have been able to go a touch harder during it, but I was being cautious since I hadn't done it in ages.


Swim pyramid day! Neg split the back end, too (so the final 300, 200, 100, 50 were faster than the first go around).


More run and bike. Run with B, bike without. Run was 4 mi easy-harder-easy ... which was a lot slower than it has been thanks to it being super f'ing cold, but it still had the clear line between "easy" and "harder."

Bike was 20-25 miles on the trainer; split the difference with 22.5. Watched a movie on TV, doing intervals during commercial breaks. Which suck when said commercial breaks are five minutes.


Drill day - 2300 with a main set of 4x400. I felt good at times during the 400s, like I was flying. Other times ... not so much.


Trying the 1.3ish (1.2 ... loop in the park was a little shorter than I remembered) all out. Managed ... averaged a quicker pace than when I tried it in January (on a harder course!) ... but may have destroyed my lungs. It was also cold. Ow.

Also, because it was Miracle on Ice Day*, a nice 40 miles on the trainer watching "Miracle" with intervals during the hockey.

No I did not keep the jersey on the whole time.


Long swim day - 2500 as 25x100. Took about 1k to get into (ugh).


Long run day - 9 miles. I slept in way longer than I would have liked (still kind of having sleep issues) and therefore ran after coffee and Eggos. WORD OF ADVICE: do NOT run after Eggos. Urp.

Also I realized it was bright and sunny and that I forgot to wear sunscreen a mile in but I didn't want to turn around therefore I totally got a slight burn on my face. Dangit.


And I thought two weeks ago was bad with a 10:40. This week ended up being 11:20. Which kind of ended up happening due to more cycling than I had expected. Oops. Still ... I survived, though (spoiler for next week) I ended up being a bit exhausted at the end.

My run on Sunday also put me over 100 miles for the year, which I'm pretty sure is the fastest I've ever reached that milestone.

Weekly Numbers:
Swim: 6500m, 2:23:08
Bike: 79.87 mi, 4:36:01
Run: 17.03 mi, 3:17:12
Strength: 1:05

* Miracle on Ice Day, if you don't know, is the day in 1980 where the US men's Olympic hockey team defeated the Soviet Union in a major upset. Four BU players were on the team (and I've met two!) and the movie came out while I was in college and it was/IS amazing. Also, on the same day last year, the US women's Olympic hockey team won the gold medal for the first time in 20 years, so that's pretty dang cool as well.

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