Wednesday, June 5, 2024

May Round Up

I'll give you one quick guess as to how May went.

If you guessed "I survived," you'd be right. Anything else? Welllll ...

Swimming: 2400m (1.49 mi)
Cycling: 26.82 mi
Running: 36.62 mi
Lifting: 11 sessions (4:29)
Other: two sessions hockey (2:20), one day skiing (:31), 8 walks (3:23)

And obviously it was more walking than that. 

I had about two good, solid weeks this month. Maybe 10 days. And that's about it. 

Non-athletically, I've rediscovered fiction writing and it's been amazing, but it's also taken over my brain. Which means I haven't really been properly taking care of myself, which means the basics like eating and moving. Trying to train is tough when you're literally low on fuel. 

Balance is a bitch in my life these days, but I'm forever hopeful and forever picking myself back up and trying again.